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Resiliency Report

Published monthly and when the mood strikes.

Update from Eileen

The first full moon of 2024 occurred the last Thursday in January. I saw it as I headed out for my early morning run. Not only was I chased by a moon shadow, but the full moon produced huge high tides and waves.

January’s full moon is commonly called the wolf moon because wolves are active this time of year and can be heard howling on cold nights, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. The name stems from the Sioux language, which describes this moon as “wolves run together.”

My point: even in the darkest and coldest of times, there is light if we look. Entering this new year, there’s much that seems bleak and ominous: the violent rhetoric from politicians and pundits, the rise of long-term COVID-19, the harsh and unusual weather that sweeps across the planet… you name it.

And yet, I believe there is hope. I love this quote:

“Hope is not a lottery ticket. You can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. It is an axe you use to break down doors in an emergency. Hope should shove you out the door because it will take everything you have to steer the future away from endless war, from the annihilation of the earth's treasures and the grinding down of the poor and marginal... To hope is to give yourself to the future - and that commitment to the future makes the present inhabitable.”

– Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark

There’s also something I practice: morning gratitude. I took the liberty to add that word to the end of my favorite Mary Oliver poem:

Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver

Hello, sun in my face.

Hello, you who make the morning

and spread it over the fields

and into the faces of the tulips

and the nodding morning glories,

and into the windows of, even, the

miserable and crotchety–

best preacher that ever was,

dear star, that just happens

to be where you are in the universe

to keep us from ever-darkness,

to ease us with warm touching,

to hold us in the great hands of light–

good morning, good morning, good morning.

Watch, now, how I start the day

in happiness, in kindness, and gratitude.

There’s nothing like standing outside (unless you live in the land of the frozen), watching the sun rise, and reading her poem out loud.

Just think. We have been given a day that has never existed and will never come again. Just for today, smile at strangers. Pet the dogs on the leash if the owners say OK. Say thank you to everyone from the postal carrier to the store clerk.

Make a choice for happiness, kindness, and gratitude. Read again about hope. Then, write and tell me if you notice a difference.

A Your Resiliency GPS Review

"Today I spent studying  your “book Your Resiliency GPS". I had started imbibing its magic the morning before, taking notes & writing in a brand new, unused spiral notebook.  The first day I read everything from the beginning up to the "Honestly assess your personal situation" GPS. This morning I started at the top again to the GPS Action step, then went to the Resiliency Assessment and calculated my Personal RQ.  Some cathartic tears fell & I began to learn some things about myself. As I continued reading it felt as though I was reading my own story."

– ZM-M

Did You See the Wolf Moon?

February 2024

The Transformative Power of Giving and Kindness

Fascinating:  The spooky month of October—with too many real-life things to scare us—is followed by November… a month of Thanksgiving.

Phew. We need that break.

Traditionally, we can circle the holiday table and state everything we are grateful for health, stability, relationships, recovery, laughter, food on the table, and more.

Here’s a flip side: who is grateful for YOU?  Where have you demonstrated kindness and giving?

Something To Make You Laugh

  • I’m at that delusional age where I think everyone my age looks way older than I do.

  • Just once, I want a username and password prompt to say CLOSE ENOUGH.

  • If I am ever on life support, unplug me, plug me back in, and see if that works.

  • Do you ever wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and think… “That can’t be accurate?”

Must Read Book!

Midlife is a Chrysalis, not a Crisis by Chip Conley

This book is the wisdom of Chip Conley, founder of the MEA Wisdom Academy at and author of his newest book “Learning to Love Midlife.” Chip is a prolific writer and NY Times best-selling author, frequent TED speaker, successful entrepreneur, and an expert in hospitality management*.

I had the amazing opportunity to spend a week in the Baja this past December, where I joined 29 other wisdom seekers to learn about midlife transitions. To say it was life-changing would be an understatement. Within that short time, we became compadres and a family. From mindfulness practices to ritual, from candid conversations to even baking bread, from sharing our favorite music to special readings, we helped each other venture into what needed to be discarded and where we wanted to spread out wings.

Must Read Book!

What Can You Expect From Me

In a too-fast, disconnected universe, I help individuals and teams make sense of the complex, challenge the status quo, and ultimately find ways to contribute their best to life and the world. Through my speaking, coaching, and writing, I aim to create conversations that matter and connect that count, bringing hope, humor, and humanity to the process.

Must Read Book!

A Fabulous Platform for Growing Community, Creating Learning, and Upping Influence

Thiago Desouza is my amazing friend an award-winning Creative Director. Like me, he is committed to helping others achieve a triple bottom line: People, Planet, and Profits.Check this out his website and explore the various formats to upload: articles, video, classes you have created. AND— you can also SELL on this site.

He has developed a new social media in 2024 that is helping create learning, leadership, and legacy by providing thought leaders the tools they need to create a change in our world. Since launch in January, it has already grown to over 40k viewers giving leaders like yourself an audience for selling your courses, Zoom session, and online streaming capabilities. Being in its first stages, it’s the perfect time to get in at an amazing launch pricing. 

Check out to see just some of the capabilities that are going to help you change the world.It’s in the formation stages so a great time to come in on the ground floor.  I’m learning all about it. Come join me

About Eileen

If you are looking for a unique keynote speaker in resiliency, a facilitator for executive retreats, a speech coach or an emcee/moderator, then you want to work with Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE. Eileen has spoken for audiences as large as 15,000 and facilitated groups as small as 18! She is the author of seven books and other products that you can find in her online store. The British Research firm of Global Gurus ranked her #4 among the top 30 communication gurus worldwide. Why not hire Eileen for your next event? 

Ranked 3rd!

This is the 6th year in a row that I have been ranked in the top 5 in communication. Global Gurus surveys some 26,000 business professionals to determine rankings plus professionals also vote. 

logo-globalgurus communication2024.png

Dear Friends,


It’s that time of year again to vote for Global Gurus in various categories. I’ve been in the top 5 of Communication Gurus for many years. Global Gurus is a British research firm that goes out to some 20,000 people to determine standing.

Click below to nominate me as inspirational. It might ask you to log in using either Linked in or Google.  You are asked to log in to assure people can only vote once.  You’ll then see my face pop up along with other nominees.  Select and then near the bottom, you can rank me as “inspirational ”or not.  


Please let me know if this works.  You are all the best. 


Many thanks. I am most grateful for YOU!!!!!

Welcome to the McDargh Clan of Clients

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