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Resiliency Report

Published monthly and when the mood strikes.

Update from Eileen

I’m writing this on the eve of what would have been Mom’s 105th birthday. She died just short of her 96th and I am SO GRATEFUL that she didn’t have to experience the isolation of COVID in long-term care.

Perhaps I am also thinking of this as I just completed a virtual program for the California Directors of Nursing (DONs) in Long-Term Care. Dealing with a fragile patient/resident population, these medical personnel have also contended with the shortage of vaccines, staff, and PPE. Needless to say, resilience and overcoming burnout are hot (pardon the pun) topics.

However, from this pain, we can also see possibilities for growing through this pandemic. In fact, I was prompted to go back and see what I wrote about growing through Mom’s death.

Perhaps you might find healing and help for yourself:

  1. Seek people who have walked your journey. Make sure they are folks who understand the process of loss AND renewal.

  2. Talk about the present as well as the future. Honor the past but don’t stay there.

  3. Find the lessons in every event.

  4. Celebrate your spirit.

  5. Comparison is deadly. There is no one exactly like you. Everyone heals differently.

  6. Laugh much. Lift a glass. And laugh some more.

Let’s hear it for Spring—a season of growth, new beginnings, and renewal.

Stress Relief Series Hosted by Laura Cicholski

I am excited to be a part of the Stress Relief Series for healthcare heroes that is hosted by Healthcare Recruiting Consultant and PA by trade, Laura Cicholski.

This Free Online Interview Series was on Monday, March 8th. My interview was on March 16th at 10 am PT/1 pm EST.

From Pain to Possibility

March 2021

Glassdoor’s 13th annual Employees’ Choice Awards for the Best Places to Work

Such an environment doesn’t “just happen”. Consider using an outside facilitator to craft virtual sessions with small groups in order to have the necessary honest communication and to clearly formulate a shared mission beyond the bottom line. It begins with individuals discovering their personal WHY and then creating a shared business WHY. Yep—I can do that for you!

Lockdown Humor

I’m so excited - time to take out the garbage. What shall I wear?

Classified ad: Single man with toilet paper seeks woman with hand sanitizer for good clean fun.

Who knew that changing clocks for daylight savings meant we’d go to The Twilight Zone!

And my favorite: This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came into my house, told my dog… we laughed a lot.

Must Read Book!

This is a classic by my dear friend, Bev Kaye. A new edition of a book signals the book’s success and importance. Publishers don’t update and reprint books that didn’t sell well (Love ‘Em has sold 800K copies worldwide!). They update and re-release perennial best sellers because they know there’s a demand for the content.

Must Read Book!

Ignite that God-Given Potential Summit

I am going to be interviewed by my friend Jill!

She is a widow and a mom to her 12 years old son Joseph. Jill has experienced significant challenges … She knows too well how it feels to be hindered by her fears and limitations. Jill decided that her life and her son’s future had to change. But Her spirituality and faith played an integral role in all her life decisions.

Must Read Book!

This Month in 10x Bolder Leadership

An inclusive economy must work for workers. This month, Harley-Davidson moved to help make this economic model a reality. As part of its new Inclusive Stakeholder Management plan, the company issued stock ownership to 4,500 of its employees—including every one of its hourly factory workers. This show of stakeholder primacy ensures employees benefit from the company’s success. 

Co-Founder and Harley CEO, Jochen Zeitz, makes it clear that initiatives like these do not come at the expense of long-term

COVID Creativity

Creating joy and love from sea glass and earth stones is a passion motivated by a concern for the environment and the isolation caused by the COVID crisis.

Unable to attend school or socialize with her friends, Malia, a fourteen-year old with strong ideals, is using her artistic skills to bring happiness through her individualized line of rings, while also contributing to local environmental causes by donating a portion of her sales. I couldn't resist and bought one.

About Eileen

If you are looking for a unique keynote speaker in resiliency, a facilitator for executive retreats, a speech coach or an emcee/moderator, then you want to work with Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE. Eileen has spoken for audiences as large as 15,000 and facilitated groups as small as 18! She is the author of seven books and other products that you can find in her online store. The British Research firm of Global Gurus ranked her #4 among the top 30 communication gurus worldwide. Why not hire Eileen for your next event? 

Ranked 3rd!

This is the 6th year in a row that I have been ranked in the top 5 in communication. Global Gurus surveys some 26,000 business professionals to determine rankings plus professionals also vote. 

logo-globalgurus communication2024.png

Dear Friends,


It’s that time of year again to vote for Global Gurus in various categories. I’ve been in the top 5 of Communication Gurus for many years. Global Gurus is a British research firm that goes out to some 20,000 people to determine standing.

Click below to nominate me as inspirational. It might ask you to log in using either Linked in or Google.  You are asked to log in to assure people can only vote once.  You’ll then see my face pop up along with other nominees.  Select and then near the bottom, you can rank me as “inspirational ”or not.  


Please let me know if this works.  You are all the best. 


Many thanks. I am most grateful for YOU!!!!!

Welcome to the McDargh Clan of Clients

Fairbanks Wellness Coalition
Ca. Directors of Nursing Long-term Care
Boys & Girls Club of Central Orange County
Fidelity Investments
District Governors Lions International-Western States
Student & Youth Travel Assoc.

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