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Resiliency Report

Published monthly and when the mood strikes.

Update from Eileen

How well I remember the excitement of going back to school after a long summer: new clothes (or uniforms), sharp pens and pencils, and a connection with classmates. Later, as a teacher, I loved getting my classroom ready for my junior high school students: bulletin boards primed to evoke curiosity about what we’d study and activities readied to get them engaged and talking.

Sadly, I am glad to not be in a classroom now. Social media and smartphones have taken the place of face-to-face interaction. School boards are threatened by some parents who have been convinced that certain books must be banned, and teachers are suspect.

Heavy sigh. It leaves my mind in a daze. Reading is foundational to democracy and learning how to have constructive conversation and debate is essential.

So, I am going back to “school”. I’m intent on reading books that stretch my understanding and imagination. I’m sitting in on webinars about how to foster better communications within organizations. As far as I am concerned, school is never out for me. I’ll participate in gatherings that promote community wellness initiatives. I’m seeking optimism and hope amid so much that seems hard and hate-filled. It’s all about becoming happier without checking off a to-do list. Learn more about this in the book I review for this month!!

What about you? How will you use this month? I’d love to know.

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills: Lessons from Wordle

In my newest newsletter on LinkedIn, I share how simply playing a game with a loved one increases happiness and enhances problem-solving skills. Thanks to the New York Times Company for keeping Wordle free.

School Days or School Daze?

September 2023

Ready To Define Your Why?

Actually, make that your WHY operating system. Imagine if within less than 10 minutes, you could use a simple but amazing discovery process that defined your WHY (purpose), HOW you bring it to life (process) and WHAT you deliver to the world (promise).

I’ve been coaching colleagues with this tool and realized I need to offer it to my readers. Reach out to me on email with the subject “WHY” and I’ll get back to you. We’ll both be glad you did!!

Just For Laughs

I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So, I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.

Going to church doesn't make you religious any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.

Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America?

Must Read Book!

Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier by Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey

Build the Life You Want transcends the common notion of seeking happiness but rather offers scientific-based actions to being happier regardless of circumstances. I’ve read books by Brooks but this is, by far, his best. Together with Oprah, the authors explode three myths about happiness and offer four concrete actions to take: check whether you are getting your happiness nourishment; stop trying to eradicate unhappiness; remember the progress principle; adopt four happiness habits. Intrigued? Then get the book!

Must Read Book!

How 1 Leader Turned a Bad Joke into an Opportunity for Inclusion

Maya Hu-Chan is a fellow Berrett Koehler author. This recent post on her LinkedIn account is a brilliant example of three critical steps one can take to not only mitigate a “joke” but also expand it into a teaching opportunity for all employees.

Must Read Book!

Let’s Grow Leaders!

Karin Hurt and David Dye are an incredible duo with expertise in helping craft courageous conversations. I am particularly fond of their recent article Clear Talk. Less Squawk. You’ll find three powerful phases to handle conflict in the workplace. Read and reap. And if you sign up for their podcast, tell them I sent you!

Autism and Baseball—The Making of an Incredible Friendship and Movement

Hope is built where there often is none. Read this story about Atlanta Braves Matt Olson and Reece Blankenship. You will believe and cry. I did.

About Eileen

If you are looking for a unique keynote speaker in resiliency, a facilitator for executive retreats, a speech coach or an emcee/moderator, then you want to work with Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE. Eileen has spoken for audiences as large as 15,000 and facilitated groups as small as 18! She is the author of seven books and other products that you can find in her online store. The British Research firm of Global Gurus ranked her #4 among the top 30 communication gurus worldwide. Why not hire Eileen for your next event? 

Ranked 3rd!

This is the 6th year in a row that I have been ranked in the top 5 in communication. Global Gurus surveys some 26,000 business professionals to determine rankings plus professionals also vote. 

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Dear Friends,


It’s that time of year again to vote for Global Gurus in various categories. I’ve been in the top 5 of Communication Gurus for many years. Global Gurus is a British research firm that goes out to some 20,000 people to determine standing.

Click below to nominate me as inspirational. It might ask you to log in using either Linked in or Google.  You are asked to log in to assure people can only vote once.  You’ll then see my face pop up along with other nominees.  Select and then near the bottom, you can rank me as “inspirational ”or not.  


Please let me know if this works.  You are all the best. 


Many thanks. I am most grateful for YOU!!!!!

Welcome to the McDargh Clan of Clients

Aircraft Carriers and Purchasing Conference

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