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Resiliency Report

Published monthly and when the mood strikes.

Update from Eileen

The car in front had this license plate:  TRAVLFAR. Not only was this one of the few license plates I could decipher, but my brain started to remember the magic of the word “travel”. Perhaps it started when we’d pile into the family station wagon and begin the trek from Georgia up to our grandparents in York, PA.  There was magic in staying at the Howard Johnson in Danville, VA. Better than the many choices of ice cream in the restaurant was the ability to swim in a pool. Wow! What luxury. I’ve lost count of how many times HoJo in Danville, VA hosted our five-person family.

But it wasn’t until I married my Bill and started my speaking/consulting business that the world opened its doors. In fact, so many miles have been logged by plane, boat and yes—sometimes by train that I have to look at old journals to recall the expanded magic of a far-flung world.

There’s something about recalling the mystery of old castles in Scotland and the intricate designs found in Grecian temples. I even made a wall plaque with as many places as I could fit within the frame: Italy, France, Spain, England, Philippines, Columbia, India, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, Austria, and Alaska. I know the latter is not a country but it has such a unique flavor and ethnicity.

In every place, we’ve eaten local fare and followed the footsteps of locals. I’ve gulped down fried worms in the Amazon and jellyfish tentacles in Kuala Lumpur. I’ve tried dancing in Scotland and chanting with Tibetan monks.  What traveling far continues to teach me is that we are more alike than different. A smile is universal and laughter is contagious. There’s humor in flight delays and memories made with new friends on a ship.

If you are planning any summer travel, remember the most important things to pack: a curious mind, a spirit of adventure, and human heart.

I’d love to know where you go!!!


Burnout’s Alarming Statistic for 2023

Research summary from Zippia: Whether you work from home or in the office, are a gig worker or a CEO, burnout is an indiscriminate and deadly force many of us have had to grapple with. The stress and lack of motivation caused by burnout can have disastrous consequences in the workplace.

If you want to counter this trend, let’s talk. I’m doing a training this month on this very topic for nurse educators!

Traveling through Time

May 2023

The Meaning of Life

Make a difference one person at a time. There, I wrote it—the meaning of life. It’s the essence that wafts between obsession and practicality, between chocolate and lettuce.

I hope to continue making a difference with my books and my speaking career. How will you make a difference?

For your Funny Bone

When a kid says “Daddy, I want mommy.” that’s the kid version of “I’d like to speak to your supervisor.”

Just once I want a username and password prompt to say CLOSE ENOUGH.

If I am ever on life support unplug me and plug me back in and see if that works.

You know you are getting old when friends with benefits means having someone who can drive at night.

A May joke from when I was a kid (last year)

April Showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring??

Answer: Pilgrims!

Must Read Book!

The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist

As I read this book, I kept humming the classic song "I Got Plenty o' Nuttin' composed in 1934 by George Gershwin for the 1935 "folk-opera" Porgy and Bess (1934). The song extols the freedom of not owning much but celebrating instead the sun in the morning and the moon at night. And no lock on the door! What Lynne’s book does is underscore the anxiety and stress associated with money—with getting and keeping. 

From a mind-set of scarcity, she has researched 3 toxic myths: (1) There is not enough. (2) More is better. (3) That’s just the way it is. The latter myth is the belief that we’re caught in an unfair world and a trap from which you can never escape. As a consultant, coach, and speaker my work is never consistent. I can fall into these traps very easily. Indeed, I needed to read this classic!

Must Read Book!

Must Read Another Book!

Why Motivating People Doesn't Work…and What Does, Second Edition: More Breakthroughs for Leading, Energizing, and Engaging

It’s a sneak peek preview: My colleague Susan Fowler’s book isn’t out until mid-May BUT I was gifted with a preview edition so I decided to review it for my readers. I could have used this when raising a teenager and managing my far-flung team. I had it all wrong! In a compelling style with example-heavy case studies, Susan Fowler has crafted a savvy guide to help all of us understand intrinsic motivation. 

Choice. Competence. Connection. It’s what we all seek: not money, status, title, a corner office, or an extended curfew for a teen. She also offers how to frame feedback that focuses on an individual’s internal drive versus making a manager or parent happy. And as a starting place, Fowler accurately insists that managers/parents clarify their own intrinsic motivation first!!! Read and reap!!!

Order Your Copy Today

Must Read Book!

About Eileen

If you are looking for a unique keynote speaker in resiliency, a facilitator for executive retreats, a speech coach or an emcee/moderator, then you want to work with Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE. Eileen has spoken for audiences as large as 15,000 and facilitated groups as small as 18! She is the author of seven books and other products that you can find in her online store. The British Research firm of Global Gurus ranked her #4 among the top 30 communication gurus worldwide. Why not hire Eileen for your next event? 

Ranked 3rd!

This is the 6th year in a row that I have been ranked in the top 5 in communication. Global Gurus surveys some 26,000 business professionals to determine rankings plus professionals also vote. 

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Dear Friends,


It’s that time of year again to vote for Global Gurus in various categories. I’ve been in the top 5 of Communication Gurus for many years. Global Gurus is a British research firm that goes out to some 20,000 people to determine standing.

Click below to nominate me as inspirational. It might ask you to log in using either Linked in or Google.  You are asked to log in to assure people can only vote once.  You’ll then see my face pop up along with other nominees.  Select and then near the bottom, you can rank me as “inspirational ”or not.  


Please let me know if this works.  You are all the best. 


Many thanks. I am most grateful for YOU!!!!!

Welcome to the McDargh Clan of Clients

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