Cultivating Radical Resiliency: The Key to Mental Well-Being
Radically turbulent times demand professional and personal responses that transcend our regular work and life patterns. It’s not about happy faces on mirrors and mantras on coffee mugs. It’s not about hanging on while holding back. It’s about times when you feel someone ate your cheese, drained the swamp, and went from great to less than good. How can professionals cope with change while staying focused on their jobs and organizational goals? The answer is resiliency - the ability to find the inner strength to grow through a setback, challenge, or opportunity.
Radical resilience requires the courage and energy to challenge, commit, and contribute in ways that positively impact both today as well as many tomorrows.
A Change Management Program
Participants will learn:
Discover how to grow the skills of adaptability, agility, laugh-ability, and alignment for producing results that put YOU in control of your ship.
Learn a four-part model for methodically tackling the tough issues you currently face.
Explore what great leaders do to inspire teams to stay in the game and thrive. (And it has NOTHING to do with money!) Get them energized, actualized, authorized, and gratified.
Develop a personal legacy leadership goal that defies downturns and disappointments.
"On behalf of North American SABRE Sales & Service, thank you for your clever and colorful contributions as a guest speaker at our recent conference. Your message of how vitally important it is to manage the balance between our personal and professional lives was inspiring and motivating. The content was right on target. It was apparent that you took time to research our business; the successes and the challenges. Your positive attitude and personality attracted everyone’s attention. That coupled with your presentation skills got the corporate message, plans and goals across while providing the participants with real life examples of how to be more effective in time management—personally and professionally."