The Resiliency Store
“I met Eileen McDargh as a result of reading her book, Talk Ain’t Cheap…It’s Priceless! Connecting in a Disconnected World. The book provides numerous salient points for helping leaders recognize the value of building genuine conversation with customers, colleagues, and employees…and connecting with their hearts and minds.
This book has been an excellent resource for the people I coach in helping them master this important leadership skill. In addition, I have read Eileen’s other book, Gifts from the Mountain: Simple Truths for Life’s Complexities and often weave some of the wisdom from this book into the work I do in the area of career development. Eileen’s work inspires me, and the people I work with, to take positive steps forward for personal and professional development.”
Career Systems International
Talk Ain't Cheap...It's Priceless!
Connecting in a Disconnected World
Discover the forgotten secret for all those who are superb leaders: they know how to TALK to people. This is a fast-read, skill-based handbook that can change how you connect with the hearts and minds of colleagues, employees and customers. Remember: the intangibles drive the tangibles of business.
Table of Contents
Priceless Talk:
Where Do You Start?
Whom Do You Talk To?
What Do You Say?
How Will They Feel?
Why Does It Matter?
Closing Thoughts
Price: $13.80 includes shipping (US Only).
If ordering multiple copies, please contact our office at 949-496-8640 for the best value.
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