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The Energizer Blog

A Halloween Horror Tale: Byte by Byte

Writer's picture: Eileen McDarghEileen McDargh

A Halloween Horror Tale: Byte by Byte

Ever been jinxed by technology? Have you had weeks in which some trickster named Terrible Technology is haunting your office, playing horrid games with every device and no amount of Hershey kisses will make it go away?

For the fourth time in as many weeks, my online bank said it didn’t recognize my user name or password. I have changed it four times. This last time, within minutes of following their digital voice instructions, it said I was ready to go. Next log on—DEAD IN THE WATER.  And no human to talk to!!!

Surely it must be a trick. Or I am jinxed?

This foul-up came right after I upgraded my IMac to MacSierra only to have it begin acting like some gremlin had taken over the keyboard. I’d be typing but see no letters and then strange letters in another language would appear.  Lots of clunking noises arose from the computer too! Hours on the phone with tech support netted—ZERO.  AAARGH. Genius bar time. Or maybe that should be Genius Barf time.

I feel like Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day.

I must be jinxed: My laptop just crashed its flash storage drive. The new drive came and was fried.I bought another laptop–I must have one for my travels and speeches. Alas, it is now acting strange.

I KNOW I am jinxed by technology. My smart phone is becoming dumb and I am following suit. Heck, I am so non-technical, I flunk light switch.

This too shall pass, I know. But I’ll get even. An hour at the bank finally got the online mess fixed. My new password: curses2You.

Please tell me I am not alone!

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