Resiliency Report
Published monthly and when the mood strikes.

Update from Eileen
At some time, it had to happen. Every two years, my daughter and her family come down from Oregon to have Christmas with us. This year it was Holly, husband Phil, daughter Clare, daughter Alicia, AND fiancée Seth. In short order came my sister and her husband, nephew Jim from Reno, and daughter Heather and husband Pepe from San Clemente. Counting Bill and I, we should have had 11 around the table for at least four days.
Prepared? You betcha! Food on top of food. Cookies rolled out and decorated by the first wave of GRANDS. Freezer packed, menus set, and ready to go.
Alas, beginning with fiancée Seth, my family started dropping like flies and—because they were staying at daughter Heather’s house—quarantine became the byword. Come Christmas, only Bill and I, daughter Holly, and nephew Jimmy remained around the table.
I cried. A lot. This is only the 6th time in DECADES my sister and I have been apart at Christmas. And we hold priceless memories with our grands!
“Breathe, Eileen”. I heard my inner voice mutter. By December 28th, I could do that. I reminded myself of the good: No one was hospitalized. My precious, much older husband is in great shape. I could give away Christmas cookies, cakes, and too-many Brussels sprouts, AND—we all are on the mend.
Best realization: We were sad because we wanted to be together. How many families do NOT want to be together? How many siblings fight? How many parents berate children?
Sure, it wasn’t the most joyful of Christmases. I had wasted food and empty tables but… we love each other in sickness and in health.
A lesson in perspective for sure!!!

Influence Followers With A Personal Chatbot
As if he read my mind, my colleague John Baldoni recently emailed me his latest and greatest: the Baldoni ChatBot. You will find an amazing consolidation of John’s wide range of management insights through a new technology called InfluencerKit.AI.
Furthermore, when you visit the Baldoni ChatBot, you’ll find a small blue bubble in the bottom right corner. Type in a question. Almost any question related to leadership, management, grace under pressure, and more. The questions will give you a wide range of responses… all echoing Baldoni’s unique voice.
A COVID Christmas
January 2024
Work/Life Integration Conversations Guide: Navigating Balance in the Workplace
Courtesy of Bev Kaye, this guide redefines balance across four crucial dimensions: employment, commitment, development, and nourishment. Each dimension plays a pivotal role, and an imbalance in any can lead to potential challenges and setbacks. By comprehending and actively addressing the need for equilibrium in these areas, you pave the way for a holistic workplace—one that acknowledges and aligns with a spectrum of human needs while driving towards organizational objectives.
Something To Laugh About
Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they're eating sandwiches.
Why is it that when we talk to God we're said to be praying, but when God talks to us we're schizophrenic? - Lily Tomlin
William Shakespeare wrote tragedies, comedies, and hysterectomies, all in Islamic petameter (so much for my English students).

Must Read Book
Feel-Good Productivity: How to Do More of What Matters to You
by Dr. Ali Abdaal
Dr. Ali Abdaal is both a doctor and a productivity expert who helps people around the world create a more satisfying and happy life. At the beginning of the book, we encounter a fatigued and stressed individual - a doctor-in-training who believes that the only means to keep pace with his demanding schedule is to sacrifice sleep and relentlessly push himself to work harder.
Recognizing the toll this approach took on his personal and professional life, Dr. Abdaal embarked on an exploration of productivity best practices. He immersed himself in extensive research while he sought a more sustainable and stress-free route to productivity. He shares that information online and now offline in his new book.

About Eileen
If you are looking for a unique keynote speaker in resiliency, a facilitator for executive retreats, a speech coach or an emcee/moderator, then you want to work with Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE. Eileen has spoken for audiences as large as 15,000 and facilitated groups as small as 18! She is the author of seven books and other products that you can find in her online store. The British Research firm of Global Gurus ranked her #4 among the top 30 communication gurus worldwide. Why not hire Eileen for your next event?

Ranked 3rd!

This is the 6th year in a row that I have been ranked in the top 5 in communication. Global Gurus surveys some 26,000 business professionals to determine rankings plus professionals also vote.
Dear Friends,
It’s that time of year again to vote for Global Gurus in various categories. I’ve been in the top 5 of Communication Gurus for many years. Global Gurus is a British research firm that goes out to some 20,000 people to determine standing.
Click below to nominate me as inspirational. It might ask you to log in using either Linked in or Google. You are asked to log in to assure people can only vote once. You’ll then see my face pop up along with other nominees. Select and then near the bottom, you can rank me as “inspirational ”or not.
Please let me know if this works. You are all the best.
Many thanks. I am most grateful for YOU!!!!!