I admit: I’m a hard charger. And the thought of taking “a nap” goes against my grain. But this article convinced me that re-energizing is more than a good night’s sleep and practicing intelligent optimism. So sit back. Take a deep breathe. And read. Your resilient spirit will thank you.
Daytime napping has long been a dividing issue. Some swear by it, claiming it gives them the energy they need to go through the second half of their day. Others look down on daytime nappers, thinking they’re rude, lazy, or perhaps even hungover.
But as we are all becoming more mindful about our daily habits, people’s views on daytime napping are starting to change. It is still nowhere near as revered as green tea or meditation, but it’s certainly getting there. And when it comes to midday downtime rituals, power napping is the go-to option for numerous people with busy professional and personal lives.
Participate in the Slumber Secrets nap quiz and read the rest of the guide!