Seth Godin recently wrote a great blog that added another dimension to resiliency: your pit crew. That’s not exactly what he called it. He asked “Who cheers you on at the finish line?” Particularly if you come in last! When things don’t go as planned, when dark clouds gather, when others seem to grab the gold ring and you’re holding an iron bauble, you need a pit crew. It might be a crew of one - but that one is the world to you and visa versa. Honor that pit crew. Let words of gratitude come from your mouth. I write these words to remind me that I haven’t told my pit crew how much their steadfast faith in me means everything. It’s been a month in which I can’t find traction. A month in which seeds I have planted are washed away by economic decisions. A month in which “everyone” seems to have it together and I find parts of me falling off. I bet I am not the only one who has been in this place. It’s hard and dark. It’s a drought brought about, - in part, by external forces I can’t control and my internal /infernal chatter that I SHOULD be able to turn off. Not having much luck there. My pit crew now steps in; my precious husband, my sister and brother, my neighbor, and my right-hand assistant. Each offers something for which I am so grateful. I’m so glad this month is almost over. I want to fall in love again with what I do and whom I do it for. February is the perfect time. Who makes up your pit crew? By the way, you have to create a pit crew before you need one.
Eileen McDargh