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  • Overwhelmed By the Hatred and Division? Look For Kindness.

    Regardless of where you turn, the hate speech and horrid news is overwhelming! I found myself spiraling down to depression and sometimes despair. That’s NOT what a motivational speaker and leadership coach is “supposed” to do. And then—random kindness appeared all in the space of two hours. Random Acts of Kindness Robyn, a framing clerk from Hobby Lobby, kept finding ways to reduce the cost of a poster I wanted to hang in our bedroom. With a warm smile and generous spirit, what had been almost $100 was reduced to $42. Next, I needed to ship cakes I had baked to a friend in Minnesota celebrating 40 years in business but all I had was a too-big shoe box. My stop at a post office found the right box but how would I seal it? An elderly woman was standing taping her package. She looked at me and handed me her tape. “I just bought this, but you can have it,” she said passing over the sticky tape. I offered to buy it but she said, “No, just pay it forward.” Then a postal clerk came from behind the counter, helped me tape the box, and returned with a label for the address. Lastly, an elderly gentleman saw my now-useless shoebox and asked if he could have it. “Of course,” I said grinning. I left smiling. Kindness was extended to me. Little Things Can Mean a Lot My turn now. I might not have ways to reduce the price of picture framing or help tape a box but I can smile, pet dogs, carry someone’s groceries, and listen to the tale of a lonely widow. Little things. Then again, little things mean much. What kindness have you witnessed lately?

  • Seed Tomorrow with Wise Research Today!

    The poet, Robert Frost, examining complex social and philosophical ideas, wrote about rural life in New England in the early 20th century. His observations have relevance today: Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can’t, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it. As many gear up for state election debates, narratives, and research, it behooves us to do more. It’s our civic duty, our human responsibility to do our due diligence. That does NOT mean listening to the same nightly newscast intended to influence your thinking (which appears to be working all too well in the nation lately). It means getting off the couch and doing some work. Understand your local and state issues, seriously understand the candidate’s position on issues that matter, work through the complexities of differing opinions, and think through the consequences of your vote! Candidates may spew words at length; however, it’s our obligation to understand what’s underneath their words and who may be financially streaming money their way. Is it really in your best interest? In your community, state, and our nation’s best interest? This fragile, great democratic experiment requires intelligent reasoning and responsible action. Let’s do our part. Life is calling...Today’s the day! Learn Lavishly. Live Significantly. Leave a Legacy. Marilyn Semonick is not only my soul sister, but also one of the wisest people I know. I am reprinting her Wednesday Wisdom because she eloquently highlights what we all must do if we wish to be wise and informed citizens.

  • What’s a little dirt...?

    On my car that is. Actually, it was a ton of dirt that had me paying way more than I ever have to get the outside and inside of my cobalt blue Kia cleaned. But it was worth it. Perhaps the dusty flatland of Eastern Oregon and the vast stretches of fields and the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge put on the first coat. It might have been following some 300 head of cattle down a road to get to the visitor’s center. We added a coat going to find the “flintnappers” in the search of obsidian at Glass Butte. What an adventure. Then again, the backroads to get to Bethany Winery kicked up some silica. I’m sure that following a winding mountain road to get into Clearlake and later Calistoga, CA put on the finishing touches. Surely, none blew off when we finally hit the 405 Freeway for the last few hours getting home to Dana Point. Making memories is worth the dirt. How much dust have you picked up lately? I’d love to hear.

  • Why Leaders Should Prioritize Health and Wellness

    Today, business leaders juggle more priorities than ever before. You're dealing with historically astronomical inflation rates, which increase product manufacturing prices and discourage consumers from spending. You have to navigate existing employees' shifting needs and expectations while configuring plans to recruit new talent, all in the wake of the Great Resignation. Amidst this, neglecting your own health and wellness can be all too easy. You can reason away sleep deprivation, weight gain, and fast-food eating with the justification that you're focusing on your company rather than self-care. This, however, is a common mistake. Health and wellness are more than just crucial to your own well-being—prioritizing them can also be the key to success as a leader. Here's why. You'll set a positive tone for the company As a leader, you provide inspiration as well as direction. Many employees look to your actions and behavior to see what to aspire to. You illustrate what success means within the company—and to make that image compelling, you need to break the stereotype of a sedentary, workaholic boss. This means aiming to maintain peak fitness by shedding the extra pounds that come from sitting at your desk all day, modeling healthy exercise and eating habits, and talking openly about the importance of balancing weight management and professional productivity. By doing this, it will give employees motivation for weight loss and regular exercise. It can even encourage them to share similar health and wellness goals. What that creates is a like-minded community that grants each other social support to get over obstacles and stay on course in their weight loss journeys. With time and consistency, you can rework your company's environment to one that enables and cheers on physical well-being. This can only spell good news—according to research from MantraCare, employees participating in weight loss programs can increase productivity by almost 35%. It also nicely closes the positive feedback loop by granting you more social support for your fitness goals. You'll be more confident Your outward image isn't the only one that matters. How you view yourself also affects how you lead the company. It falls to you to see yourself as capable of doing all your position requires, including representing the company as a collective, challenging previously set standards, proposing potentially risky and rewarding moves, and accepting responsibility for it all. Of course, you can work on that in many ways, like reflecting on your past achievements and practicing self-affirmations. In addition, however, a concrete way to gain a burst of assurance is working on your fitness. A 2020 review on the impact of behavioral weight management interventions confirms this: according to the findings, there's evidence that weight management results in greater improvements in body image, self-efficacy, and mental health quality of life. Health initiatives like exercise also literally make you stronger and more energetic, contributing to the belief you can face any challenge your business throws at you. You'll sharpen your skills The benefits of health and wellness extend to your ability to act as a leader. As the head of your business, you need to have a sharp mind—one that can see the big picture as well as the intricate details, solve complex problems, and communicate your vision clearly. Prioritizing your health helps with that. For example, it can prevent debilitating illnesses like obesity, which is known to reduce cognitive function and brain volume. The self-care practice of regular exercise also boosts brain cell growth and activates your neurons, while eating a rich diet, including fatty fish, leafy vegetables, and nuts, can grant you nutrients that improve your memory. In short, health and wellness grants you the mental clarity you require to practice leadership competence. You'll prevent burnout While business leadership requires you to stay active and on top of things, it also asks you to undertake measures to prevent burning out. Part of your job, after all, is spurring the company's morale. You can't do that if you don't have that spirited energy yourself, and it can be more than a little disheartening for teams to see their leader seem tired and drained. To avoid this and prevent burnout, one of the top tips from wellness pros is to rest when needed. That means incorporating reposeful practices into your routine, like sleeping at least seven hours daily and unplugging from work during your days off. This kind of rest is productive and can help you return passionate about your work and ready to uplift your employees to be the same. As a business leader, you need to prioritize health and wellness. There are many reasons why—but in summary, doing so helps you become the best leader you can be. Article written by Romina Jameson, Romina is passionate about effective leadership and what it can do for the world. When she's not researching or writing about the best organizational practices, she's going on wine tours with her partner and their dog.

  • The Art of Leading a Resilient Remote Team – Part 2

    Key Principles for Leading a Remote Team While each team presents its own unique dynamics, there are a few key principles that all remote leaders should adhere to when trying to ensure their remote teams’ success. Encourage Open Communication In the realm of remote work, communication cannot be left to chance. As a leader, you need to establish clear channels and norms for communication. This includes everything from setting expectations for response times to encouraging open discussions. Remember, communication is not just about disseminating information - it's about encouraging dialogue. Cultivate Trust Trust is not an optional extra in a remote team - it's the glue that holds everything together. Building trust in a virtual environment requires transparency, consistency, and empathy. Be clear about your expectations, follow through on your commitments, and show understanding toward your team's challenges. Nurture a Results-Oriented Culture In a remote setting, measuring productivity by hours logged is neither practical nor effective. Instead, focus on results. Establish clear objectives, set measurable goals, and track progress based on outcomes. This shift towards a results-oriented culture not only boosts productivity but also empowers your team members. Ensure Inclusion and Belonging Leading a remote team also involves creating an inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and heard. Regularly check in with your team members, celebrate their achievements, and ensure they feel part of the bigger picture. Remember, a sense of belonging can significantly boost morale and motivation. Prioritize Well-being Lastly, don't overlook the importance of well-being. The blurred boundaries between work and personal life can lead to burnout in a remote setting. Encourage your team members to establish a healthy work-life balance. Show understanding when they need flexibility and encourage an environment where mental health is openly discussed and prioritized. Adopting these principles won't make the challenges of remote leadership disappear overnight. However, they provide a solid foundation for building an effective remote leadership strategy. Keep Your Remote Teams Successful Leading a remote team can be challenging, especially if your organization is new to the world of hybrid or remote working. However, by leveraging modern technology and maintaining clear communication channels, it is possible for remote teams to remain connected and productive while developing essential skills along the way. Author Bio Wildly addicted to all things leadership, Cecilia Gorman is a veteran of the advertising industry and the owner of Creative Talent Partners, a training consultancy that specializes in the development of rising managers and their teams. Whether it’s a team offsite, a manager workshop or through her online Manager Boot Camp course, Cecilia’s sole pursuit is adding value to growth-focused employees.

  • The Art of Leading a Resilient Remote Team – Part 1

    Over the last few years, the traditional office landscape has undergone a seismic shift. Businesses are no longer bound by geographical constraints, embracing remote work's flexibility. However, this transition to a virtual environment presents its own unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to leadership. As a leader, your responsibilities go beyond task management. You play a crucial role in fostering growth, nurturing talent, and building a cohesive team, especially in a remote work environment. By adhering to a few fundamental principles, you can empower your team to thrive while promoting collaboration and accountability. Modern Challenges of Leading Remote Teams Although remote work offers freedom and flexibility, it can also result in team members feeling isolated and disconnected. As a leader, it is crucial to proactively address these challenges and find effective solutions. Challenge 1: Communication One of the primary challenges encountered by remote leaders is bridging the communication gap. In a traditional office, collaboration thrives through face-to-face interaction and impromptu meetings. However, in a virtual environment, this endeavor becomes more daunting due to the scarcity of opportunities for spontaneous dialogues or quick check-ins. Challenge 2: Building Trust Establishing trust among team members can be more demanding in the absence of face-to-face interaction. Without the advantage of body language, facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues, remote team members struggle to forge meaningful connections. Consequently, feelings of uncertainty and doubt often permeate the team. Challenge 3: Maintaining Productivity Remote work presents a paradox when it comes to productivity. While the elimination of commute and reduction of office distractions can potentially enhance productivity, the intrusion of home-life distractions, the lack of structure, and the blurred boundaries between personal and professional life can stifle it. Challenge 4: Cultivating Company Culture Company culture extends beyond physical spaces and social events - it's a shared set of values and beliefs that must be recognized regardless of geography. As the leader, you play a major role in upholding this culture remotely by always embodying its core principles. However, having the team spread out in different time zones and locations may make it difficult to create consistency. Stay tuned for part two next Wednesday. Author Bio Wildly addicted to all things leadership, Cecilia Gorman is a veteran of the advertising industry and the owner of Creative Talent Partners, a training consultancy that specializes in the development of rising managers and their teams. Whether it’s a team offsite, a manager workshop or through her online Manager Boot Camp course, Cecilia’s sole pursuit is adding value to growth-focused employees.

  • Loneliness: Alone Again—And Not Naturally.

    When Gilbert O’Sullivan sang these words in a depressing song "Alone Again" about being stood up at the altar, losing his father and mother, and feeling that God had forsaken him, I just wanted to cry for this guy. The year was 2006. Epidemic of Loneliness Fast forward and the word ALONE is more than a refrain from a song. Instead, with the research conducted by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Americans face an epidemic of loneliness. Loneliness is far more than just a feeling and its consequences are severe. Studies show that loneliness can lead to anxiety and depression, heart disease, dementia, and stroke. The prevailing wisdom is that loneliness is as harmful to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Loneliness in the United States Nearly half of U.S. adults report experiencing loneliness. A 2021 study commissioned by Cigna HealthCare company found that 79% of people ages 18-24 reported feeling lonely. Certainly, COVID exacerbated the problem but loneliness among young adults has been increasing every year since 1976. But it’s not just this younger cohort. People are spending less time with friends and not participating in organizations or clubs—due in no small part to the way technology has moved people away from in-person contact. We Need Each Other We need each other because we are social animals, relying on each other for survival. But this disconnection is harming our ability to feel supported. And it can destroy trust—at the very time we need to come together. I really resonate with what Surgeon General Murthy published three months ago in the New York Times: “Addressing the crisis of loneliness and isolation is one of our generation’s greatest challenges. By building more connected lives and more connected communities, we can strengthen the foundation of our individual and collective well-being and we can be better poised to respond to the threats we are facing as a nation.” Connection is the foundation for resilience. What will it take for you, for me, to reach out to others? That’s my current goal.

  • Millennials—Are They Lazy Or—Maybe Smarter?

    The standard belief for those of us outside this age bracket is that if you work hard, it will pay off. Hard is define as long hours, multiple assignments, off-the-charts demonstration of productivity and profit. And with the push to return to the office, “hard” is also defined as allegiance to what senior managers want. However, in a recent Australian 60 Minutes segment, many millennials are having none of this. For good reason. It seems that the standard 40-hour week has gone to 60 hours and more. The promise of a “payoff” is mirrored by the cost to one’s family, health, AND happiness. Millennials Want Well-rounded Life In this segment, it’s clear that millennials want a life that is well-rounded (I refuse to use the word “balance” as I believe that’s a misnomer). I think they are on to something. Rather than face time, I’ve always thought that results mattered. Giving employees clearly defined outcomes and reasonable goals makes more sense than a place or a space. Micro-management is out and autonomy, appreciation, and achievement are in. Millennials' Work is Vocation-based While there are those management gurus who disagree (watch the segment highlighted above), I was fascinated by the sentiment expressed by Scott Farquhar, CEO of the software firm Atlassian. He shows up at the office about once every three months. “Their work is a vocation but not a location.” As we come off a Labor Day holiday here in the United States, it seems like a good thought to ponder. Your thoughts?

  • Resilience Is The Essence Of Being A BRAT!

    I never thought that being a brat was something positive. You know, the whiney, spoiled kid who wants her/his own way. But—as often happens—my pre-conceived notions were confounded when I heard a very different definition of BRAT as being the essence of resilience. Here’s the story: Tom Callister, a long-time friend and fellow speaker, announced to me that he was a brat! “I don’t think you are a brat, Tom,” I replied with enthusiasm. “I think you’re a really nice, kind guy. Opinionated but a nice guy. ” Tom went on to explain why he was a brat. His explanation prompted me to ask him to write the following: "Members of the US military (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard) are typically required to move as part of the normal military reassignment of duty stations every 18 months to 3 years. For the spouses and children of military parents these required moves may be especially challenging as family members have to relocate to new towns and cities, foreign destinations, schools, places of worship and more. These changes require leaving old friends and known places behind and while trying to make new friends and acclimate to new environments. The dictionary defines "Brat" as a "humorous or derogatory term used to describe a badly behaving child or person." However, the term "brat" when used in a military context is more often an affectionate term used to describe the child or children of military parents. "Why?" you ask. Stay with me and I'll explain. As the child of a United States Naval officer, I personally experienced moving every few years with my parents as my father's duty stations were reassigned. That meant new schools and neighborhoods and trying to make friends in entirely new communities. Since most childhood friends had already been established among the "long term, local kids," as "the new kid on the block" I was rarely welcomed in the established "cliques" or "inner circles." That meant I was often on my own. The good news was that I had an understanding and supportive mother and father. As such, while I didn't clearly understand until I had grown up, if one is fortunate to have supportive and understanding parents, whether military or not, the term "BRAT" may more often mean that one can become "Brave, Resilient, Adaptable and Tenacious" - aka, a BRAT! Those are qualities that will serve anyone well throughout their life. Thanks, Mom and Dad. Thanks to your support, I am proud to be a "BRAT.” And thanks, Tom. You are brave, resilient, adaptable, and tenacious. A GREAT BRAT!

  • Think You “Have It Made”? Beware the Trap of Success Arrival Fallacy!

    I just returned from attending the annual conference of the National Speakers Association. The culmination of this 3-day event is the naming of five speakers to the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, the highest designation in my profession. Consider this the Academy Award for speaking. And once you have it—you have it made? Right? Not. How well I remember the thrill and the accolades when I received this honor years ago. Surely organizations, associations and major corporations would come flooding to my door. I could stop all the constant improvement of my web site, the continual reworking of speeches, the honing of storytelling, and the flying in economy. I could easily have fallen into the “success arrival fallacy”. And frankly, there are days, I wish I did. What is Success Arrival Fallacy? In his book “Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment,” Harvard psychologist Tal Ben-Shahar coined the term arrival fallacy after experiencing its effects as a young elite squash player. “I thought if I win this tournament that then I’ll be happy,” he said. “And I won, and I was happy. And then the same stress and pressure and emptiness returned.” He defines the arrival fallacy as: “The false belief that reaching a valued destination can sustain happiness.” He says, “Arrival fallacy is this illusion that once we make it, once we attain our goal or reach our destination, we will reach lasting happiness.” Just as Ben-Shahar realized, there are negative impacts in thinking you have reached the pinnacle of achievement. Stagnation, limited ambition, and disappointment can lead to disillusionment and unhappiness. One can miss the joy of the journey while only focusing on the end instead of the process. Resilience Requires a Growth Mindset and Appreciation of Present Moment As I write this, please know that I am also talking to myself. As I age, I am acutely aware of the desire and imperative to constantly evolve, to see this as a lifelong endeavor, and to challenge myself with new goals. Some days I am good at this and other days, I stink. It is an effort to be mindful, to practice gratitude, and to find joy in the moment. I don’t have to excel in something—I just must experience it and find what it teaches me. Where do you find yourself in this “success-crazed” world? I’d love to know.

  • Bullies Belong in Bull Pens—Not Cubicles

    It's not my imagination: we've become far too accepting of bullies at work. Bullying behavior is on the rise and it's not just on the playground but in workplaces. Look around. Have you noticed some certifiable bullies? These are folks who constantly demean, ridicule, put down, or purposely ignore those with less "power" than they have. And it's tolerated. One health care organization told me of a physician who regularly, verbally assaults nurses and interns. A vice president in a development company uses the silent treatment as a way of telling an employee that she's a non-entity, even going so far as to threaten staff if they speak to this employee! A law firm keeps a rain maker despite the fact he eats colleagues and administrative assistants for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Avoid Making Bullies Heroes We've made heroes of other bullies, even tolerating bullying-like behavior, in some folks who represent the United States. Sadly, behavior ignored is behavior endorsed. Complacency equals complicity. The organization and its leaders develop a reputation for arrogance and insensitivity. It makes little sense. Getting and keeping good talent is one of the top two worries of CEOs. Who wants to work with bullies? Research also indicates that performance and productivity actually increase when bullies are eliminated. Here’s where to start: Create a NO BULLY rule and mean it. Confront bully behavior as soon as it happens. Train everyone how to identify bully behavior and how to react, respond, and report. Look yourself in the eye and ask for honest feedback. We all carry some of the bullying gene inside of us. PS: And if stuck, read Sam Horn’s newest book: Talking on Eggshells: Soft Skills for Hard Conversations.

  • Tap into the Magic of Merlin

    Not the Merlin of King Arthur legends, but rather the free Merlin Bird ID app from the Cornell School of Ornithology. Yes: BIRDS! In our crazy-paced, far-too-angry world, there’s a great calm to becoming quiet and watching and listening for birds. I discovered this magic a few weeks ago when I spoke in Ohio and stayed with a dear friend in Cincinnati. Living in Southern California I had forgotten the summer magic of immense oaks, maples, elms, and chestnuts. I had forgotten the incredible array of bird songs that often came sight unseen from the thick green branches. Opening the Merlin app and selecting sound recording, I discovered the music of the tufted titmouse, chimney swift, cedar waxwing, and the Carolina wren. I already could identify the mourning dove, the house sparrow, the robin, the downy woodpecker, and the song sparrow. But I had forgotten the brilliant flash of the cardinal and how perky were robins with their red breasts. Thankfully, I did not need Merlin to identify the tiny hummingbird nest in our staghorn fern. The construction of these tiny nests defies an architect. What a joy to tiptoe out each day and watch an egg, no bigger than a pea, expand, break and then slowly over time, Anna’s hummingbird literally outgrew the nest and zoomed off to a new life. Bird songs. Bird colors. Summer nests. I think this avian life offers small respites that can refresh and renew the soul.

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