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The Energizer Blog

Employees (and Companies) Benefit from a Personal Mission Statement

Writer's picture: Eileen McDarghEileen McDargh

Just about every major company or non-profit has a mission statement for the organization. I almost despair sometimes at the inane missions: "Be best in class". "Increase shareholder value" "Become the gold standard of the industry". So who doesn't think that? What company aspires to be bottom of the heap? Rather than work on the larger organization, I've decided that individual mission statements could very well be the building blocks for the larger organization. After all, an organization is nothing more than a collection of individuals. What would happen if rank and file, top to bottom, decided what could be a worthwhile, bigger-than-life outcome that would use their individual talents and make a contribution to the whole? You'd have your personal mission statement within the context of the company. I would have mine. Then, we'd see where our missions joined together to create synergies. If you want to try this, here are some general guidelines:

  • See this organization as your work of art. What picture-what future outcome-would you find so compelling that the very thought just makes your spirit soar? Don't be hampered by today. A mission is an aspiration-an optimistic view of possibilities.

  • What talents could you use and/or develop to make this outcome a reality?

  • What behaviors would you commit to in order to make this mission come closer to reality?

  • Make the above three answers into one clear, no-doubt-about-it statement. Write in present tense and to create a mission statement that is quickly read while sitting at your desk.

Share your individual mission statement with others who have created theirs. Decide how you overlap and where you can support each other. Now you're ready to write short term, action filled goals to move toward this preferred future. Visioning isn't just for big corporations and highly paid leaders. To get the best from yourself, from your employees, encourage personal missions and then help each other follow through to make a collective reality.

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